Uyugan is a quaint town of Batanes situated in the southernmost part of Batan Island. As per 2010, it has the smallest number of population compared to the other municipalities of the province. Imnajbu, the last village from Basco, is 25 kilometers away and is accessible via jeepneys that ply the Basco – Imnajbu route. Travel time is around 45 minutes and regular fare at Php 46.25.

During our stay in Batanes, we practiced to wake up early and prepare our own breakfast on the kitchen of our host, Nanay Cita. After a cup of coffee or cereal, and some rice, sausages and ham (if we were not too lazy to cook), we were again ready to create another meaningful day in Batanes.
Our fourth day was scheduled for the southernmost town of the province, Uyugan. From our homestay, we waited for the jeepney bound to Imnajbu that day. As per Nanay Cita, the jeep has no definite time and it goes around the streets of Basco to pick up passengers going to the south. Not a problem on our case. So we waited. But we didn’t expect that it will take us an hour (or even two?) waiting for the vehicle. Test of patience.

The uneasy start of our morning was revamped by the jaw-dropping attractions of Uyugan. I have created a list of attractions to visit and enjoy that shouldn’t be missed during your visit to this scenic municipality.
People tried to correct me when I first pronounced the village with the ‘naj’ sounded like ‘nudge’ when in fact it’s silent J. Imnajbu in the Ivatan language means ‘resettlement of the lowland or downhill’. It is the farthest village of Uyugan from Basco. The place sounded a bit disturbing during our visit because there were no people on sight. We found out that a member of the village had passed away and everyone was with the family on that day to extend their sympathy.

Imnajbu was very relaxing and serene place to stay. In fact, I could dwell longer in the village if only 3G is available. Stone houses are still evident. We tried to reach the end of the road where a deck, having the view of the Pacific Ocean, is available. Unfortunately, the gate was closed.
This small chapel in Imnajbu was named after San Lorenzo Ruiz, the first canonized FIlipino saint. As per the markers in the church, the first Holy Mass and administration of first baptism were held at the exact place of the chapel. Fray Mateo Gonzales, O.P., the Apostle of Batanes landed in Imnajbu in 1682 A.D. when he came to survey the prospect of Evangelization in Batanes. The chapel is a small one just right to accommodate the few families living in the area.

This Long-Range Aid Navigation (LORAN) station in Imnajbu was one of the LORAN sites built by the Americans during World War II. At present, the station is being reconstructed to be a National Museum in Batanes.

Alapad Hill is actually my favorite spot in Batanes. The Alapad Hill offers a picturesque view of the Pacific Ocean and wind can literally waft you up. Going to the peak of the hill is a challenge as the wind welcomes and hugs you. The gigantic rock formation is just a stone-throw away from the hill. The hill is located next to LORAN Station if you’re coming from Imnajbu Village.

Next to Imnajbu is the village of Itbud. We walked the winding road from the Alapad Rock Formation to the community. Itbud is better in terms of accessibility to basic supplies with the availability of some sari-sari stores.

Students from the school were conducting costal clean-up during our visit. It was inspiring to see the kids exert effort to take care of their environment.
As we walked from Itbud to Song-song Ruins, we were charmed by a stone house along the road. We found out that afternoon from a friend that some parts of the 2007 movie “Batanes” were shot here.

Sitio Song-song was once a settlement in Batanes that was devastated by a tsunami in 1953 and 1954. The ruins standing along the coastline of Batanes remind the disastrous event that relocated the whole community.

Uyugan is the smallest town in Batanes and has only 4 small barangays. Cool wind from the Pacific Ocean cuddled us throughout our stay. Our visit to the municipality gave us the leisure to appreciate the unexpected beauty of the world shaped by the Creator.