There are really those times when you crave for something that will force you to find time and place to where you can satisfy that particular desire. Searching online for restaurants really help people a lot to locate places to get these items. And if you’re too lazy to get out of your abode, having these cravings be delivered on your doorsteps is better. Luckily, different restaurants are available near at my workplace.

If Bacolod City has Calea, Cebu City has also its own hub for sweet-tooth folks as this place serves more than a dozen of sweet delights from cakes, cheesecakes, brownies to custards, and a lot more. Make me drool as of the moment.

Lucky me, I am Cebu-based now and I have a lot of time to try all these desserts that make every tourist visiting La Marea to purchase another plane ticket to the province in the near future. It was a Friday afternoon when the group decided to stop the different errands on work and headed to the nearest La Marea branch, two blocks away from our workplace.

Interior of the pastry shop is not that big but thank you to the hallway outside the store where they set-up number of tables and chairs to accommodate customers. Unlike usual dessert places I have been to, where the interiors typically express a “sweet” impression, La Marea didn’t focus that way rather having black and white portrait photographs on a wall.
Creme Brulee (Php 75) and Banana Cream Pie (Php 90).
We immediately proceeded to the counter to select desserts to order from the very wide array of choices. The options available made it hard for us to decide what to buy since everything inside the chiller makes us salivate. Finally, we settled with a Warm Brownie Cup, Crème Brulee, Banana Cream Pie, and Oreo Cake, and an additional of Tropical Fruit Shake, Affogato and Hot Tea for beverages.
Oreo Cake (Php 90) and Affogato (Php 110).
Classic Brownie Cup is warm brownie topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream finished with chocolate syrup and some chocolate sprinkles, indeed, chocolate overload. The brownie is chewy and has the right level of sweetness but the ice cream adds more sweetness which is I think perfect for a hot tea.

The Crème Brulee, on the other hand, is good with fewer brown sugar melts on top making it soft and easier to scoop. The custard base is less dense that makes it more distinct from Leche Flan. Banapple’s Bannoffe is a favorite so I didn’t let the chance to try their Banana Cream Pie. The idea went well with everyone aggressively scooping from the cup of the pie with their spoon to dig a slice of banana. Last is the Oreo Cake which was a bit disappointing because the cake itself is not that moist and the Oreo cookie on top was already soft. We had a great dessert experience at La Marea with their wide selection of items at affordable prices.
Crossroads Mall, Banilad Cebu City
The Walk, IT Park, Lahug Cebu City