To kick off my summer getaways, I convinced some of my workmates to go out of town to play with the sand and sun! Our destination was the newly opened beach resort in Playa Calatagan, Batangas. You can check my separate review of Aquaria Beach Resort.

We all met at Market! Market! and left Manila at exactly 3 in the morning. After passing South Luzon Express Way, Tagaytay Rotunda and going through Nasugbu Highway, we reached the town of Calatagan around 6AM. The resort was still closed that time and the guard advised us to just come back around 8.

Since we haven’t eaten breakfast yet, we decided to go back to the town proper and had one. Travel Tip: Calatagan has no Jollibee, McDO nor Chowking as well as convenience stores such as 7Eleven nor MiniStop so better bring with you your food for the day or drop at Nasugbu or Lian. We found an eatery across the PNP Building and luckily they are serving breakfast meals such as hotsilog, longsilog, goto and mami among others.

We went back to the resort before 8 o’clock and fortunately, the reception was already available to cater guests. After settling the entrance and other fees, we went directly to the beach passing through a couple of pools. The water was low at that moment and the water was so clear. The sand is not that white but it’s not a big deal for me.

That part of Calatagan beach has fine sand floors with some grasses a few meters away from the shoreline. Unfortunately, we spotted some small jellyfishes swimming in the water and two guys from the other group stepped on sea urchins. It threatened us to go back to the water. Instead, we jumped into the pools and tried their giant slide.

Staying under the trees feeling the sea breeze made us fall asleep for about an hour. I went back to Calatagan market before lunch picking up some grilled chicken and drinks for lunch. After our lunch, we spent another time taking a nap under the shade of trees, alternating on the hammock. I and Ate VI decided to enjoy the heat of the sun by trying out the Kayak. It was both our first time to try kayaking and we were so proud we didn’t fall in the water.

We found out that a banana boat ride is being offered at the nearby resort. After asking for the rate, we unanimously decided to try it. Their package is Php 1500 for 15 minutes for 5 persons. My first banana boat ride was epic with the crew dropping us all during the last lap of the ride. Another activity that can be done in the area is beach volleyball. However, due to the intense heat and super hot sand, we didn’t push through with the game.

To enjoy the resort, we spent almost 2 hours swimming in the warm water of the pools before leaving Calatagan, Batangas. A beautiful sunset ended the day. It was a tiring Sunday at the beach enjoying the heat of the sun and the sand. Summer 2013 was officially started!